March 2, 2011

Wild and Crazy Bryn!

This girl has some wild and crazy hair! Especially first thing in the morning. It cracks me up every morning when I go into her room and she is standing up in her crib with this huge smile on her face with this wild and crazy hair!

Brynlee's hair is getting so long I just don't know what to do with it. I can't put cute little clippies in it anymore, obviously. She thinks they taste good! She doesn't leave headbands in for very long either. A lot of people have been telling me that I need to cut her hair so she has bangs. But I just don't want her to have bangs. I never had bangs and I don't want her to right now either. I will however get her hair trimmed and very soon. It almost looks like her hair has already been cut into a little bob. It's cute but I think she is ready for her first little hair cut (trim)!

Here is a little hair do that Bryn wears often since her Mommy is scared to put cute clippies and bows in her hair. Hopefully she will get out of this eating everything stage real soon!

1 comment:

studio.delucca said...

oh my GOSH she sure is big!!!

I missed seeing you when I was in + out of the office in a whirlwind last week, but can't wait for your trip to Cali! :) khobe