March 5, 2008

Happy Birthday To My Hubby!

My Hubby's birthday was on March 4Th. He turned the big 32! What an old man he is! Considering I am such a young chickadee still! Ha Ha! I'm right behind, I will be 29 this year. Dang time flies! He had a pretty low key birthday as he doesn't like all the fuss and craziness, so he says. I think he really does like it he just needs to be a hard Eddie. What a typical man! I did do a little surprise for him and took him breakfast to work. He hates surprises but he sure enjoyed the breakfast! Other than that we just had dinner at my parents house on Sunday as we usually do. My Mom made her yummy lasagna. It was a Craftsman birthday for him as he has been wanting tools so that is what we all got him. And of course he picked out his own birthday present from Hayden and I because the surprise thing just kills him. I don't always let him do this but since he wanted lame old tools I thought what the heck. Now he has something to put in the big Craftsman tool box thing that is sitting in our garage that he got a few years ago for Christmas. Nate's parents came to visit on his birthday and gave him some sort of Craftsman saw. HHMMM... Maybe that will come into use when and if we decide to finish our basement. Perfect!!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Handsome. Can't wait to celebrate over an ice cold one tonight!

Unknown said...

Tell Nate Happy Late Birthday from me. Sounds like he had a good one.