March 5, 2008

My Purse/Diaper Bag

My new found friend Jennie thought that I ought to spill my purse. This could be scary! I accumulate so much junk anymore that it's a joke. I have given up carrying a diaper bag so I now stuff every thing in my purse now that it's big enough. I also always have a bunch of papers/bills that are my Grandma's since I am her bookkeeper. Okay, so I can't blame all the junk on these two things. I have alot of miscellaneous stuff of mine in their too. Well, here we go...
1. a bulging at the seams wallet
2. floating cash found at the bottom of my purse $27.71 (strange, I never have cash)
3. My Visa which I use for all purchases that's why I don't carry cash.
4. two drivers licenses. ones expired.
5. Business Card/Appt for Blush Day Spa for my man Cody! (my hair guy)
6. Business Card/Appt for Hayden's next doc appt
7. 1 blue pen
8. my badge to get into work
9. a little measuring tape
10. Tide to go pen
11. A bunch of random cold/sinus meds
12. Prescription for 800 IB Profin(this is from when I had Hayden but they still work for my sinus crap)
13. Prescription for Valtrex(Cold Sores)
14. Prescription nasal spray(dang sinuses)
15. Prescription cold sore cream
16. 1 old looking tampon
17. the black jack phone
18. Sani Hands Kids wipes
19. 21 receipts
20. A stack of mail/gift certificates/bills
21. Mary Kay satin lips
22. 2 Blistex
23. Carmex
24. several dum dum suckers but Hayden kept swiping them as I was trying to do this
25. 1 fruit Gushers
26. 1 pack of Orbit Sweet Mint Gum
27. 1 pack of Extra Gum (not sure of the flavor it's green though)
28. 1 Victoria Secret free panty card
29. car keys
30. digital camera
31. On the weekends I throw in a few diapers and some wipes while we are out shopping. It's not the weekend so I don't haul those to work with me!
Well, that sums it up! Pretty interesting huh!? Not really but maybe you learned a little bit more about me. That sounds kind of bad. I'm really not a dirt bag!
So now that I have spilt my purse I challenge you to do the same.

1 comment:

Jennie said...

YES! I Love it! Geez I keep finding more and more things in common with you. I hate getting cold sores, they suck!