August 6, 2014

Date Night with Bubba!

It had been so long since I have had one on one time with my little Bub so I decided it was date night with Mommy!  Since school is starting soon I thought it would be a good time to take him to pick out some new shoes and let him pick whatever else he wanted us to do.  Hayden chose to get ice cream so we went to Baskin Robins which we hadn't been to in years (since our last little date!).

He also chose to go to the pet store.  Hayden is all about having pets.  Well, his Mom is not so keen on the idea of pets.  I have always said that we are the pet free Peterson's!  Hayden just has such a big heart that he wants to adopt all the cats and dogs he can.  He feels bad for them!  When we went to the pet store that's all he wanted to look at were the cats and kittens that needed a home.  I keep having to explain to him that I am allergic to cats and dogs so we can't have one at home.  Kinda sad for Hayden but having pets just aren't in the cards for our family.  So until Hayden gets big and has his own home he gets to enjoy cats and dogs at Grandpa Rocks house!

I loved being alone with just Hayden and being able to talk to him without being interrupted and rushed some place.  We laughed and goofed around and had a great time!  I have the most caring, smart, respectful son ever and I am proud to be his Mom!

The minute we got home, Hayden asked if he could use the computer.... look up the animal shelter for pets to adopt.