July 30, 2008

24th of July Weekend

This is a little late but I have alot of catching up to do on blogging!

Over the holiday weekend my Mom and I had 4 days off of work. We had made plans everyday except for Sunday. Thursday we went swimming at the Kearns pool. That was the actual 24th of July and boy was it busy. More people than I had thought had the day off and I think they were all at the pool! We haven't been to the pool since last summer so I don't think Hayden remembered it but this year I am sure he will because he loved the big bucket that tips over and the water comes crashing down on everyone. He liked it from a far not actually being dumped on. He doesn't like when water gets in his eyes so I didn't even attempt going over there. He just played and played in the water and loved that he could just do what he wanted. We only stayed for a few hours just long enough to get worn out from the heat. Speaking of heat, I have to tell you about what happened while we were there. We had this nice grassy spot next to a picnic table. In front of us there was someone elses stuff set out including a beach umbrella, chairs, and a baby car seat. I never seen the people as they set up shop after we had already gone to play in the water. Once we got back though a women that was near was having a fit because she had been sitting there ever since those people with the umbrella left to go swimming and they decided to leave their baby's car seat there under the umbrella with their 2 month old little girl in it. Can you believe that?! I almost wanted to start crying thinking what in the heck are these people doing and couldn't help from thinking she is neglected all the time and it just killed me. The women had called a life guard after sitting there for over 20 minutes watching this baby sitting in her seat waiting for the parents to come back. The life guard called security and they waited another 10 minutes or so until someone from their group came and asked the officers if there was a problem. What the??? The officers talked to her for a minute and then left. That was it! As far as I am concerned there should have been no questions asked. They should have been hauled off to jail or something. What will they do next time leave her in the hot car while they run into the store for an hour? What a joke!!!! So, the entire time we were there they never got her out of her car seat. She was still so tiny and she slept the entire time. But how hot and uncomfortable for her. And what if someone came by and swiped her up kidnapping her?! Ah geeze, it just makes me sick. Anyway, I didn't get many pics but I was sure to get one of this ridiculous family. Maybe one of you know them and you can tell them how stupid they are

They look like such normal people! I sure hope their baby girl is being taken care of!

I had to throw this one in of Landen. He was a tired boy while we were swimming so we just left him lying on a towel while we finished swimming. What? Every one else seems to be doing it so it must be ok, right? No not really, we would never ever do that!

The next day, we took the boys to see Space Chimps. It was an alright movie. I didn't think it was that great. It did have me laughing a few times though. I guess it was ok. Just not something I will have to buy when it comes out on DVD.

After the movie we went home and made cookies. Chocolate Peanut Butter. My Friends have made them and they are simply yummy. They gave us the recipe and of course they didn't turn out like theirs. But they were still good. I will post the recipe on the Recipe Box Blog.

Don't they look yummy!!

Saturday came and we went boating for the day to Delta, our favorite spot! It was just my Family so I decided to try wake boarding. I couldn't get up on that thing for the life of me. My Brother makes it look so easy as he is jumping the wake clear across to the other one and I can;t even get up on the thing. My Brother says I am giving up to easy. Whatever! It was killing me! The next day I was so sore. I am so not coordinated. Anyway, I didn't get many pics of boating since we were busy playing the entire day! But here in one special one that I did take...

Bompa and his two favorite boys!

Sunday was a day of rest! Much much needed rest!!

So there you have it, that is how we spent the holiday weekend. It was sure nice to have 4 days off of work and not going out of town some where. I can't wait for some more time off to just hang out around home.

July 29, 2008

HaYdEn NeWs...

I just thought I would give you all an update on our growing little boy, Hayden. At the age of 2 1/2 he is a smart little whip and getting smarter every day. We can no longer think he is not listening to us or understanding us because he always has his ears on and is always listening for new words to repeat and using those words now in sentences. Everyday this little man of ours amazes us with the new things he has learned. He still, as always, thinks he is the big man of the house and the one that makes the decisions but if he feels the least bit of doubt he knows how to sweet talk us. He has his Mommy and Daddy along with Bompa and Boma wrapped around his little finger.

Here is a list of some of Hayden's Favorites-

Favorite Person- His Mommy of course! Hayden is a big Momma's boy! I do have to share though with Bompa. He loves his Bompa.

Best Friends- Landen & Trevor

(He tells us all the time that he has two best friends. Sometimes he even tells me I am him his best friend. And then I MELT!!!)

Favorite Food-Hayden only has a few things he will really eat and those are:
Grilled Cheese
Rice-He has to like rice since his Mommy and Daddy are always eating Mexican food.
Hamburgers-Plain, not even with a bun
French Fries

Favorite Snack-
Suckers-He prefers blue ones
Fruit by the Foot
York Peppermint Patty

Favorite Movie-He has a handful that we must watch over and over again. All time favorite is Polar Express. Recently though we have been watching Ratatouille. He gets stuck on a movie for months at a time until I can get him talked into watching something else.

Favorite TV show-Sponge Bob Hayden and His Daddy love to watch this together.

Favorite Toy- Thomas the Train & Friends. We have started collecting the die cast Thomas & Friends that stick together by magnets. He is really into hooking things together like a truck and trailer.

Favorite Color- Blue

Favorite Book-I'm a Firetruck man

The list goes on and on about how proud we are of our Hayden Bug! He is defiantly the light of our lives and couldn't ask for anything more! Below are a few pics of Hayden being his silly little self.

Hayden wears his sunglasses at night!
Boating in Delta 2008

Hayden sneaking outside wearing nothing but his pajama shorts, on his head!
He had his head through one of the legs holes. Funny times!

July 23, 2008

Swimming Lessons

We signed up Hayden for swimming lessons. It was just a two week class but it was everyday and by the time the two weeks was over Hayden had had enough. In fact all three boys had had enough. Trevor, Hayden, & Landen. Not that the lessons were bad or that the Instructor was mean. She was actually a pretty cute and fun girl. It is just hard to get these 2 year old boys we have to pay attention and actually participate in the activities. I guess that is just a normal thing at this age so I am told. Anyway, Hayden did learn a few new things. He learned how to make ice cream scoops with his hands to help him swim, kick his legs, and blow bubbles. We also learned a few fun new games to play. One night we had life jacket safety. Hayden was not a big fan if this! He was scared to death. It's funny because he will wear his life jacket on the boat but hates it on in the water. I can kind of see why though. They aren't the most comfy things to have on. All in all though Hayden did a great job and the Instructor was impressed because she said kids at this age are usually afraid of the water. So I guess we are doing good!

Hayden hanging out waiting for class to start.

Getting lubed up for the sun.

Trevor & Hayden

Just the beginning of life jacket safety...

Landen all geared up

Mommy, Hayden, & Landen

Hayden looks like he his having fun here... Not really, he
is laughing and crying at the same time.

This is what our boys would rather be doing

Trevor with the one little girl that was in
our class. What a cutie she was!

Hayden with his certificate of completion. We made it!!!
Good Job Hayden!!

July 14, 2008

The Memory...

My cousin Amy did this cute memory post on her blog and thought it would be fun to post on mine. I hope you think so too!
The Memory Post
1. As a comment on my blog, leave a memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you know me a little or a lot, anything you remember! If we're only blogging friends, write about a post that is the most memorable for you.
2. Next, if you feel so inclined, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I'll be sure to write one about you...!
3. If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. ☺ And please do this on your page, too, so we can all share in the fun times together. :)

July 9, 2008


Over the past long weekend we took the boys to see Wall-E. Hayden is starting to become a good movie goer. Finally, I will have a movie partner! Even though it might be just kid movies at least I will still be able to go and enjoy some good popcorn and a nice big coke. It's so all about movie theater popcorn!!

As far as the movie went, it was just ok. Well, at least when I was watching it that's what I thought anyway. I guess I really just didn't get it. I know, I'm a dork but there was no talking or anything and I just plain didn't get it. I understand now though after my Mom explained it to me. And now, I guess it was a pretty cute show! I don't exactly think it's a must see and don't know that I will even buy it when it comes out on DVD. Oh who am I kidding of course I will have to buy it! Hayden liked it so we gotta have it. It's just not my fave. But that cute little robot I loved! I think Hayden needs a Wall-E!!

July 8, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

We had a great 4th of July this year. Who could ask for anything more than going to the good ol' Magna Parade and fireworks?! Magna. I know it sounds pretty bad but really Magna puts on a good 4th of July celebration. We love it because Magna is where both our families have lived forever and still do. Magna is just our tradition and now starting the same with Hayden.

Hayden really enjoyed the parade with all of the candy throwing and all! Then we had a BBQ at Nate's Grandpa's house who lives right in front of the parade route. Quite convenient huh! My Great Grandma used to live just up the street from the parade route and that's where we used to have our family gatherings on the 4th but since she has passed away we were kind of at a loss until Nate became part of our family and they changed the parade route to go right in front of his Grandpa's house. It has worked out perfect. So now, not only does all of his family get together but I invite mine too!!

We ended up at the Magna park for the fireworks that evening. Hayden wasn't a real big fan of the big fireworks but I think all in all he enjoyed the day!

Mom & Dad

Jenna and Me with our two Firemen

My Candy Monster

Uncle Curtis marching in the parade... There was a BIG break in the parade so he thought he would be a part of it to keep us entertained. Good ol' Uncle Curtis, he is always good for some entertainment!

Some of our Friends... Michelle, Tim, Ema, Jen

4th Of July Pics

Uncle Curtis & Auntie Debbie with their kids enjoying the parade.
Hayden just enjoying his candy and being silly
Cousin Lehi
Nap Time... It has been a busy day!

Happy New Home to You!

This is a picture of my Brother's new house. Finally, my Brother's little family has a place they can really call their own. Shaun and Jenna (my sis in law) had a rough/early start at things but have come so far in life for being so young. Landen (my nephew) have taught them both so much about life. My Brother wants nothing but the best for their little family so he has been working is tail off to get there. He is a very hard worker and is game to do anything he can to provide the best for them. For being barely 21 I would have to say he is doing a pretty darn good job! I am proud to be their big Sister and favorite Auntie!

Congrats Shaun and Jenna! Happy New Home to You!

July 2, 2008

Anniversary Trip to Jackson Hole

June 27th & 28th was our 5 year anniversary. I tell Nate that we have two anniversaries because we actually were married on the 27th and our reception was on the 28th. No harm in that right? Just means double the diamonds! Just kidding! There were no diamonds this year. Instead we decided to take a trip to Jackson Hole. Neither of us had been there before and it was quite nice for just a weekend getaway. Nate and I really haven't done anything in the past for our anniversary, maybe dinner or something so this was really nice. We have never even left Hayden before either. He has spent the night at my parents house maybe a handfull of time but we are always there first thing in the morning to pick him up. We just miss him so much! And he sure missed us too! By the second night that we were away he started to get a little upset and was asking for us and his house.
So the little vacation that Nate and I went on was super nice. We didn't really know what to expect. The hotel that I booked online seemed to be nice but you really never know. When we arrived I was shocked. The hotel was alot nicer than I had imagined. It was called Best Western The Lodge. I was thinking just an average hotel it being a Best Western and all but we were surprised! I totally recommend that place so if any of you ever plan a trip there you will have to stay there.Once we arrived I had no idea what we were going to do. I had a few ideas again from looking on line but nothing was set in stone. My Parents had been there so they gave us a few pointers too. The first day there we shopped and hung out in the Town Square. We ended up hanging out at The Cowboy Bar that evening for their live band. Boy was that intersting! The band was really good but the people in the bar was what was entertaining us!
The next morning we went to Teton Village and rode the Gondola to the top of the mountain where we watched people as they went paracelling. Nate and I dared each other to do that but neither of us took the dare! While hanging out up there we started talking to two little old ladies from Lehi, UT. They told us they go there every year. They asked if we had been to Jenny Lake to the Hidden Falls. I had never heard of that until they told us. They don't list anything like that on line at least where I was looking. They told us that we just have to go see the falls before we go. So Nate and I headed back down the mountain and went back to the Hotel to find out more information on this Jenny Lake place. We finally arrived at the lake and we could either take a boat ride across the lake and from there hike up about a 1/2 mile to the falls or you could hike around the lake about 2 1/2 miles. We decided to walk to the falls and get a boat ride back. The hike was nice but hot. We really didn't go prepared to do things like that. But I at least packed the right shoes just in case but I was thinking I would have needed them for when my feet hurt from shopping not hiking! When we reached the Hidden Falls it was beautiful!! Just amazing to see all of the water rushing down so quickly. We seemed so close to it with the mist that we were feeling from it. That made our entire trip!
We arrived back to our hotel and decided to shop a little bit more and grab a quick bite to eat. The shopping was cut real short and we ordered a pizza and went back to the hotel to eat it. We were tired and hot from the hiking we did earlier. We ate pizza and watched TV the rest of the night. By the next morning we couldn't wait to get home to see Hayden so we got up and went straight home. No stops!
All in all our weekend getaway together turned out great! Happy Anniversary Babe!! And many more to come!
Town Square in JH
Nate taking a break while shopping
Saddle Up! Hanging out at The Cowboy Bar

The bar was lined with real silver dollars.
Us!! Happy 5 years!!

Jackson Hole Pics...

On top of the Tetons
Driving to the Tetons... We had so had enough of driving!
Entering the Park
Just before our trek around the lake
Pretty scenery along the way

Even more pics of JH...

A Moose taking a drink out of Jenny Lake We were told that it was a rare occasion for us to see this.
A look back at the Teton's as we were on our boat ride back
Jenny Lakes Hidden Falls

Simply Amazing!!
Hanging out at the Hotel