May 19, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Brynlee!

I can't believe my baby girl is already ONE! She is growing and learning like crazy! Including temper tantrums and walking! This past year has been one of the best years of our lives as we are all learning and growing together as one complete happy little family! Nate and I couldn't have asked for anything more. We are two very fortunate parents!

To celebrate Brynlee's big milestone we had a big birthday celebration at our house. The theme was cupcakes and just being ONE in girlie pinks and purples of course! We had many friends and family come to be a part of Bryn's big day and it all turned out perfectly.

In honor of our sweet sweet princess, I have written a small little note below for her.

To Our Sweet Baby Girl,

I can hardly believe how quickly the first year of your life has gone by until I stop to realize how much you have grown physically and emotionally. I guess it's true what they say....."time flies when your having fun!".

You are such a special little girl to so many people. You make it very easy for everyone to love you to pieces. In fact, besides being so beautiful, your cute little personality even gets perfect strangers talking to you everywhere we go. Mommy and Grandma can't go into a store without at least one person drawn to your beauty. It might be just a baby thing to do but I truly believe that it's a special little glow that you have that someone can't help but to stop to speak to you.

Now that you are a big One year old, here are a few things that you have been up to-

Walking! It seemed to happen so fast! You get so excited while walking that you get silly and then tumble down and then just crawl to whatever you were going after. It's the cutest thing ever!

Temper Tantrums! Oh boy have you mastered a great little tantrum! This has just been something that has been happening very recently but you have it all figured out. Throwing yourself down on the floor, laying on your tummy and putting your face into your hands all the while you are screaming and kicking. Then you will turn onto your back and push your body across the floor with your feet all the while you are still screaming. I hate to to you though, I secretly think it's cute! But only for a second. I don't like to see or hear you so upset but the little show you put on is just so cute! You have also got into this little groove to where you try to do this little tantrum of yours while Mommy is trying to get you dressed. That's when Mommy doesn't think it's so cute anymore. Hopefully you get over wanting to be naked very soon!

You love to hear music and dance! You got a music birthday card from your cousin Greg that plays the Winnie the Pooh song. Whenever we open it up and it starts playing you start dancing! You have loved carrying that around with you.

You and your big Brother have learned already what to do to bug each other! You never want him to touch you and you are constantly pushing him away. However, Bubba knows just what to do to get you mad! Like taking your blankie, teasing you with a toy of yours or his by not giving it to you, hogging up the front of the bath tub so that you can't play with the water while it is filling up the tub. Those are just a few of the things off the top of my mind. But you being so little still can tease Bubba. Your favorite thing to do is take his DSI when he sets it down for a brief moment. It's like you are keeping your eye on him so as soon as he does set it down you head right over to pick it up.

Kisses, Kisses, and more Kisses! I could only wish we were getting all sorts of kisses from you but for some reason you are very stingy with those yummy things. You are really kissy kissy in the morning time. You will even give Bubba kisses! I am always begging and begging for kisses! But it has to be on your terms and your terms only. I guess I will take what I can get!! I do sneak some in though! I can't help myself! You are so dang cute I just want to kiss your face off!!

Your a little fussy on what you like to eat. Of course you like all the yummy sweets and snacks. Other than that, you like Mac & Cheese, applesauce, and fruit.

You loved to be sang too! We have a family song that we sing and it seems to always calm you right down when you are upset. Our family song is a theme song from an old children show that was on when Mommy was younger but still too old for the show. Don't ask me how I know it or even remember it but I do and it seems fitting for us. (For my fellow Bloggers who are reading this I am sure you will know of the show, it is from Barney. You know, the big purple dinosaur!)

Mommy and Daddy are so excited to watch you grow and learn in the years to come.

Happy Birthday Sweet Girl! We Love You!!

May 4, 2011

Little Gamers!

Look at these little gamers of ours! Bubba is complete obsessed with video games. At the age of 5, that's not the best thing ever. He already has Bryn gaming! Not really, but she loves to pretend!

We already have to put limits on his video game playing. Nate and I are both so guilty of this but letting him play the Wii or his DSI is the best entertainment to keep this busy 5 year old occupied. But this boy has to be entertained so if we aren't playing with him then he wants to play his video games or watch TV. This boy is a couch potato already. He loves to stay home on the weekends and hang out in his underoos playing games and watching TV. He is into Star Wars and has been playing with his many Stars Wars toys and figures he got for Christmas and thank goodness warmer weather is on it's way so that we can get active and play outside.

These pics were taken some time ago. Obviously, look how little Brynee looks! So dang cute!