September 26, 2008

Happy Happy

Happy Birthday to me! Friday September 26th I turned 29. The last year of being twenty something! I can't believe it, it still seems as though I am 22 or so but 29!! I remember thinking how old 22 was when I was younger and I am way past that now. Anyway, I had the best birthday ever today. Lots of great surprises!

The first great surprise is when Jen (my best friend) came to work (yes, we work right next to each other now!!!, yay for me!!!) and she gave me the best birthday gift ever... The new IPOD Nano.

I am little behind the times I guess and just have an MP3 player but recently have been mentioning that I should really get one of those IPOD's only after Jen shows me the new cute colors they have. Jen always gets me wanting the newest latest and greatest things! She keeps up on all of that sort of thing. Now what kind of friend gives this sort of expensive gift?! Only the bestest friend anyone could ask for! She truly is the most giving heart felt person I have ever known and I am so thankful that her and her family are in our lives.

Anywho, after that my day got even better when my Mom and Hayden came to my work and surprised me with bundt cakes from my new favorite place, Nothing Bundt Cakes", with some balloons. I was so surprised to see them! They came to take me to lunch too! So all four of us went to CPK. I have been lovin that place lately too! It's all about the Tai Crunch Salad. While we were headed back to work I kept asking Jen, "do we really have to go back to work?" She just laughed. But when we got back to work my boss told me to take the rest of the day off! Wow, did he read my mind or what!! Have I ever mentioned how great it is to work for Sundance?!!

I went to my Mom's and hung out with her until it was time to go to dinner. I know, we eat alot!! We had plans to go to Red Lobster!! MMM, I love their cheddar bay biscuits! We went with Jenna, Landen, Jen, Trevor, Jen's Mom Claudine, Jen's sister in law Janet and Loftin. Where are our husbands you ask? Hunting!!! Glad this season is over with!! Anyway, we had a great dinner with everyone even without the husbands!

Thanks everyone for making this a very special day to remember!

Here are a few pics from the BIG 29 day!

The Big Surprise from Hayden & my Mom

Hayden, Me, & my Mom at Red Lobster

Jen & Trevor

Mom, Landen, & Jenna

Janet & Loftin

Landen is lovon' the shrimp pasta!Me & my Mom! Isn't she B-eautiful!!

Grandpa & the boys making home made ice cream for me!

Landen and Hayden waiting to blow out the candles for me! (Notice the candles say I am 28 again?! That's all we had and I'm ok with being 28 again!) Look at Hayden's face! He just waiting to blow those suckers out before Landen gets to. We had to relight the candles several times because Hayden would always blow them out before Landen had a chance. Landen doesn't quite get how to blow so he spits alot. So we sort of had a Landen signature cake with slobber and all! That's ok, I wouldn't want to have it any other way.

Here are a few videos of Hayden wishing me a Happy Birthday! He is such a funny boy!! In the second video he is singing Happy Birthday but yet mixing it up a bit by throwing in a bits from our song that we sing together. It's the song from that show Barney. Do you remember him? Anyway, I have sung that to him since he was born and it's just the perfect song for us! I try to get Nate to learn the words and he only knows bits a pieces too, it's kind of funny to listen when we sing it together before bed each night! Anyway, Enjoy!

September 18, 2008

Flash Back Wednesday??

I have seen this on many blogs but they call it Flashback Friday not Wednesday. But Wednesday I had a blast from the past. Kathy wanted to take the boys to a book fair at Lake Ridge Elementary. I decided to meet them there after work and when I walked through the doors it brought back so many memories. That is the elementary school that I went to! The book fair was held in the gym and back then the gym sure seemed big but when I walked in I just looked around and thought how tiny it was now that I am old. I can't imagine Hayden going to school. It will be here before we know it! Anyway, Hayden got several books and geeze it seemed way cheap! Books can be dang expensive!

That night I had plans to meet some girls from high school. I haven't seen any of these people since high school so I was pretty excited. I am now the newest member of their once a month get together/card exchange. It was so nice to see everyone and I hope they don't regret inviting me to these little events. Of course I was the only one that didn't make a card to exchange. I felt like an idiot to say the least!! Next time though! I am going to start getting ready for this so I can come up with a cute card idea. As I told the girls, I am not crafty but thanks to my good friend Jen I will have the best help there is! Jen would never let me down!

Thanks Angie for inviting me! I had fun and can't wait to see you all again!

September 13, 2008

Fun at Grandpa's House!

This is the stuff that my Dad let's Hayden do at their house. Whatever Hayden wants! These are a couple of cute pics of Hayden working on stuff in the garage with the air compressor. Hopefully you can see how dirty his face is. Well his arms and legs were the same!

Boys will be Boys!!!

Hayden was mad because I was bothering him while he was working!

Last Boating Trip of the Season

Over Labor Day weekend we went boating for the last time this year. It was a trip to remember because we finally after 8 years got Nate and Jenna in the water! Strange how both my brother and I marry two people that are deathly afraid of the water. Our Family our water bugs! We love the water! Jenna will ride in the boat but will not get into the water. Nate won't do either. This trip Jenna decided to ride in the tube. It might have been because we had two tubes hooked up at the same time so someone was with her. The little tubing trip didn't last long as she was screaming the entire time and yelling for us to stop! But she said she had fun though?! Then there was Nate! Him and Jenna kind of had a deal going that if Jenna got behind the boat then Nate would or vise versa. Well since Jenna went first Nate couldn't back down so he decided to wake board. Nate was scared and he had anxiety so bad that it was like he couldn't breath while he was in the water. He was saying it was because the water was cold. Weird, the water was not cold?! But then I realized and felt bad because he was really nervous to do this. He only tried a couple times and wasn't successful and then he gave up. I am very proud of him to even have tried it. It's a start for both of them. Hopefully next year they try again!

Jenna after her scary tube ride!

Nate trying to get used to the cold water!

Cooking up a yummy breakfast! Nate loves to cook breakfast when camping!

Cute Katelee poking her head out to say Hi! Our family from Mesquite also got to spend the last boating trip with us!

Landen hanging out in our trailer watching a movie. This is all he wants to do because he is also afraid of the boat. He doesn't even like it when his Mom or Dad are on the boat. He gets real nervous. Hopefully he grows out of that!

I didn't get very many pics this trip either. I'm just not a very good picture taker but it is my goal to start being one!

New Shoes...

Hayden got new shoes! I usually buy his shows in two's. One for play and one for nice. I bought him a pair of light up Sketchers for play and boy does he think they are the coolest things ever. Right when I brought them home I wanted to show him and he immediately wanted to try them on and didn't want to take them off! I asked him to take his clothes off because it was time to take a bath and so he did. He took everything off but the dang shoes! He was running around the house with nothing but his new light up shoes. Silly boy!

HaYdEn SaYs.....

"Let's play in the snow!"

Hayden doing the snow dance in hopes it will start snowing!

Mommy says, "Yuck! Let's have Fall first."

September 12, 2008

In Stitches...

This story is kind of long but I have to tell you what has happened this week with our boys. They have been going the rounds this week at Kathy's (like they usually do). They sometimes don't get along the greatest and that might be because they are together everyday or it might be because Hayden is a little stinker! We have witnessed things that happen and most of the time it is because Hayden is a stinker! But now Landen is fighting back so it is an all out war sometimes! The first part of the week Hayden came home with a huge bite mark on his arm and blood on his shirt. That's all Hayden could talk about when I picked him up. It's like he wanted me to feel bad for him and be mad at Landen for biting him. But I can never do that because most of the time Landen is just defending himself. But this time around what happened was actually an accident. But what led up to the big bite was Landen somehow getting a fat bloody lip. Kathy, says it was an accident so I am hoping so!

Two days later, I get a call from my Brother asking where he can take Landen because he might need stitches on his lip. My first reaction was "did this have something to so with Hayden?". But thank goodness it didn't and it was yet another accident with another child and a swing. Landen walked in front of a little girl swinging at Kathy's house and it hit him right in the mouth. Kathy could not get it to stop bleeding so she called Shaun to come and get him to take him to the Doc. He just took him to the Magna Urgent Care because if he really needed stitches they are able to do them there. However, the Doc said that it is too deep of a cut so He will need to see a Plastic Surgeon. Shaun takes him to Pioneer Valley (Death Valley) to the emergency for the Plastic Surgeon. He really had no choice but to take him there because Shaun didn't have a car seat in his truck!!! What a nightmare!! He drove Landen in the back seat buckled in like a big boy! I would have been a wreck with this whole situation but my brother acted very calm.

I'm sure you are wondering where Jenna is?! She is stuck at work! Shaun is sure a good Dad! He just takes charge and can handle just about anything. Unlike Nate, I think he would have had a nervous break down!

Anyway, The Plastic Surgeon seen Landen and said he doesn't need any type of surgery because the cut wasn't as deep as they thought. Thank Goodness!!! He did however still have to have 2 stitches in his tiny little lip. I'm so glad that that's all he needed!

Needless to say, My Mom stopped on the way over to see Landen and bought a new car seat for Shaun. You just never know and you should always have one. We also went over to see Landen when he got home and took him a get well gift. His lip wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be but it was swollen still and it didn't seem to be hurting him. It only was a few minutes and Landen and Hayden were up running around and screaming like they always do! Those little guys sure bounce back fast!

A Close Up of Chocolate Stitches. (This was taken after we gave him his M&M's)

Just a cute one of Landeen!

September 9, 2008

A Trip to The Fire Station!

Hayden & Landen LOVE fire trucks! Kathy, Landen's Grandma who both Hayden and Landen spend everyday with, decided to take a trip to the fire station with the boys and asked me if I would like to go with them. I didn't want Hayden experiencing this without me so of course I had to go. I just have a hard time missing out on anything to do with Hayden. (Just a normal mommy thing!) Anyway, the boys made the Firefighters a Thank You card for everything they do. It was cute! They also made chocolate chip cookies for them. Hayden loves to make cookies! The Firefighters were great with the boys and invited us right in. Hayden was being his shy self but Landen was in aw the entire time! They got to get inside of a fire truck, try on a real Firefighter hat, and even squirt the water. I call them Firefighters rather than Firemen because there was a women Firefighter there too and she was super cute with the boys. They gave each of the boys a Firefighter hat, stickers, a Junior Firefighter pin, and a stuffed animal that they would normally be giving a child that they went to help. We had a good time hanging out at the Fire Station until we were just about to leave and Hayden was finally getting warmed up to these people when he fell down. The flooring in the fire station is not smooth but rather kind of rough. He skinned up both of his elbows and was crying that he had two owies. He has really never been scraped up before so it was traumatizing to him that he had two owies at once. That's all he could talk about the rest of the evening. Not about how neat the Fire Station was but how he had two owies. Little ones are so funny!Thanks Kathy for a fun trip to the Fire Station!
Hayden squirting the Fire Hose

Landen trying on a real Fire Fighter Hat

Our Cute Fire Fighter Host at the Station

Hayden showing his two owies... It was a bit traumatizing!