May 29, 2008

UH OH!!!

I think I might be in trouble! Without even realizing what I was really doing I started making a new list of baby names. I guess that might mean I am getting baby hungry?! Which is good news but not so good news because I don't think we are ready for that right now. In fact, I know Nate is not anywhere near ready! I think another pregnancy escapade would send him over the edge! His patience are thin as it is at the moment with Hayden being such a little stinker lately. Just these little phases that Hayden goes through. I am sure you all know about those. But really, Nate didn't have many patience to begin with. So I guess I would really be testing them if I said it's time to have another baby. Although when I think about it, I have been hinting to him for a while now that we need to have another one just not right now because I don't think I am really ready myself. I think Nate will come around sooner than later though. He makes random comments about what we will do when Hayden gets big like he already is getting and how he misses when he was so little.

I will keep you posted if there is ever any exciting news but don't be looking for it any time soon!

May 27, 2008

Memorial Weekend Camping Fun

Over Memorial weekend we went camping out to the desert. We had originally planned to go boating but as you know if was freezing cold!! We ended up taking the four wheelers out to Vernon for the weekend instead. Everyone ended up whimping out on us so it was just us and my Parents. My friend Jen and her Mom came out to visit us on Saturday just for the day which was nice. Hayden had a friend to play with. We just mainly relaxed and hung out. We did go on a few four wheeler rides but of course I wasn't that prepared for that cold of weather so it was a bit chilly. I always do that and Nate even reminds me while I am packing to not forget warm clothes. I had semi warm clothes but at times not enough of them. Luckily enough though we didn't get rained on just a real cool breeze/wind. I couldn't wait until we could get a fire going in the evening to get warm. Both nights we were gone we actually turned in pretty early because it was so cold. Which was fine because we went in our trailer and watched movies and ate snacks in bed! Can't go wrong with that!! Hayden loves camping and sleeping with his Mommy and Daddy and having his Bompa and Boma there too. His favorite part of camping is of course riding the four wheelers, cold or not he loves it. I thought it might be roasting marshmallows but he wasn't too into that which might have been because I woke him up to roast them with his buddy Trevor before he went home. Maybe next trip he will like that part!

A Day Out with Thomas

One of Hayden's favorite things are choo choo's so we decided to take the boys to see Thomas at the Heber Valley Railroad. I wasn't sure what to expect out of this as I have been told different story's about it but from what we experienced Hayden loved it and it was well worth the $220 adventure! Hayden wanted to stay and see all of the train cars that were there that weren't even a part of the Thomas thing. We went to see a few and tried to get a few pictures but of course the boys didn't want to participate in any type of photo shoot. It was an overall good time and I am sure that we will be visiting Thomas next year!


This weeks Tuesday Tell All is supposed to be about telling everyone about your graduation. Well, this isn't a good subject for me as I don't really remember anything. Parts of the whole graduation ceremony and people that I was around but other than that there is nothing there for me to really tell you. I didn't really participate in any school activities or anything so there was nothing special for me to remember. While in high school I started working for Cyprus CU as a Sophomore so I was on work release all three years of my high school years. I wasn't around much but I can say it was enough! I do know however, that this year is our 10 year reunion. Very Interesting! I never went to our 5 year reunion but I should have as I was about 25 pounds lighter! I plan on attending our 10 year though and my husband is thrilled!(Yeah, right!!) I recently let the reunion committee know that I am willing to help out as help is much needed so we will see how that goes. I will keep you posted.

May 1, 2008

Four Wheelin' Trip

AAAHHHH Mesquite!! I love it there! That is where we went a few weeks ago. I have some family that lives there so it makes it even better! Not only do we get a little vacation but we get to visit with some family. My Mom and I just love to sit and chat with everyone but this trip we had plans to go four wheeling. My cousin Josh took was like our little tour guide. Can you believe that Mesquite has mountains! I could never see past the casinos I guess. Well and I guess you can call them mountains. It was just a little different from the ones we have here with thick pine trees and quackies. Instead they have some trees here and there and cactus' and it was real rocky. At least the place we went was. It was pretty though and we had lots of fun!

Now I need to explain some of the photos! The first day we were there just all of the guys went riding, well except for my Aunt Marilyn. I wasn't there but my Hubby got some great photos. My funny Aunt Marilyn is game for anything! My Uncle Frank is lucky to have her! My Dad and Hubby wished my Mom and I were more like her!! As you can see from the slide show they went to the river or shall I say through the river! That's my crazy brother with my Aunt Marilyn's legs wrapped around him holding on for dear life! Then we have my Uncle Curtis on his new four wheeler going through the river and that is kind of scary as he is a new ATV rider but he wasn't scared at all. The river is not to far from my cousins house so we met the guys there and had a barbecue. The river was so cool because the spot to where we went was surrounded my smooth soft sand. I wished we had spent more time there and played but it was later in the evening and it was getting chilly. My Grandma and Doug also came and brought his Rhino. What a troop my Grandma is being blind and all cruising in the Rhino on this big rocky bumpy mountain. I thought after this ride she would never want to go again but she said she enjoyed herself. Can you imagine being blind and do this. Not me because if she had only seen the little/big cliffs we were riding on she would have never went!

We stopped at this gate after we went through and the guys had a beverage(beer as usual) and had to tie it on the fence. You should have seen all of the beer/pop cans on this fence. I don't know if it was on purpose to keep the cows away or something or if it was some sort of tradition for someone to do this when they went there. At any rate, they just had to leave one for our visit!

Hayden and Landen did very well on the four wheelers too. At first though they weren't too sure about them but they got use to it. So use to it in fact that they fell asleep on our long ride on this big loop we took through the mountains.

It was just an all around good weekend!!

Oh and just one more thing! My Brother had these hilarious sun glasses that looked like he should have been on Reno 911. Have you ever seen that show?! He was cracking me up with those things!

Hayden's First Slurpee

Hayden just had his very first slurpee a week ago. I know what a deprived child we have! Poor kid! He had never had a stinkin' slurpee before! It might be because his Mommy dislikes slurpees, bad! I don't think he thought he was missing out on anything. He really didn't show much interest in it. I think he is just an ice cream lover at heart. Like his Mommy!!

Big Boy Potty...

Well, it's time to start really cracking down on the potty training thing. So we have really been working hard at for almost two weeks now. Hayden has been doing pretty good with it. He is such a little dilly dadder! (Is that even a word?) The going potty process takes awhile sometimes to say the least! At times I think this is going to be harder than I thought but when I really sit down and think about it it's going pretty smooth, so far! They say boys are harder to potty train than girls and that boys might not be ready until 3 or even 4. I don't think so! There is no way my child will be wearing diapers when he is 4. Then again, who am I fooling!? Hayden has a mind of his own so if he wants to wait until he is 4 then I guess he will. Oh so help us! Please don't let that be the case!

It cracks me up sometimes and drives me a little crazy because Hayden insists on standing up to use the potty like his Daddy. It was kinda funny at first but now it's getting a little crazy with all of the cleaning up I have to do after each potty session. I better get Nate to give some lessons on aiming!

Getting Hayden potty trained was my goal for this year so maybe just maybe we might be able to add another little Peterson to our family next year. Don't quote me on that one though, I have alot of convincing to do with Nate first! But you gotta have goals, right! Or a plan! (I'm a big planner and Nate hates that!)

Stayed tuned for more potty updates...

(I would love to post some pics but they are a little on the xxx side hence the standing up to go potty.)