March 17, 2009

Excited for Spring!

We are so excited for Spring and Summer as I'm sure everyone else is too! Except for maybe those weirdo skiers out there! Just kidding!! The past few days Hayden has been able to go play outside which has been super nice. We have all had enough of being couped up in doors for the winter. He finally got to test drive his new big boy bike that Santa brought him. He has been riding it around in our unfinished basement but that's just not the same. He was a little bit rusty at it and sort of scared at first but he got the hang of it pretty quick! Hayden and his little bud Trevor are going to have alot of fun in the up coming warm months ahead!

March 11, 2009

Little Booger Boy

Recently Hayden has been having a booger problem! I know, disgusting!!! But this is just too funny! Well, for the past few weeks I have noticed that there have been boogers in his hair. I asked him why is there a booger in his hair but he really didn't reply. Sometimes I don't notice until they are dried up and and sometimes they are fresh and really yucky. (Sorry, this is terrible!) I thought that maybe he was wiping his nose with his hand all the way up his face or something moving them up into his hair. I really just didn't know... until last night! Hayden has went through a phase where he thought it was funny to pick his nose and try to wipe it on us. Of course that didn't go over with us too well so then he decided that while picking his nose in bed he would wipe them on his wall. Nate was quite upset about that and asked that I put some tissues in his room. Well, I haven't done that yet so I guess that is why he now picks his nose and puts it in his hair. Out of sight out of mind! What the heck!? What are we raising?! A silly little boy, that's for sure!