July 22, 2015

My Sleeping Beauty

 We have got some crazy sleeping arrangements at our house!  Of course it's mostly my fault!  I have slept with my precious sleeping beauty Bryn since the day she was born. I know I know, "they" say you're not supposed to do that. But who on the hell are "they" anyway?!  It's my baby, my rules!

With Hayden I tried and tried to do everything by what "they" say to do. We had way too many long trying nights of no sleep just to make sure Hayden slept in his own bed. What a joke!  All those nights of crying and screaming and not being able to comfort my baby was so not worth it. 

We did this nonsense until Santa brought Hayden a big boy bed just before his third birthday. With the transition, we thought to keep him in his bed we would lay down with him until he fell asleep. Well, I gave that duty to Nate!  Nate, for some strange reason, would end up falling asleep with Hayden and staying there all night. In a twin bed! Talk about squishy!

Now we have two habits to break!  Hayden and his Dad!  Not so easy!  Because now, I'm pregnant with Brynlee and Nate no longer wants to sleep in our bed with a snoring beached whale!  

After Brynlee is here, We think that since Nate is working and has to get up that maybe he should still just sleep with Hayden so he doesn't get woke up when I got up with Bryn. And that is how are craziness started!

Being a new Mommy I was very sleep deprived to say the least and some how Bryn got used to sleeping in my arms. Don't ask me how that happened! So...it's now Bryn and Mommy in Mom and Dads bed and Daddy and Hayden in Hayden's twin bed!  Nuts!

So here we are, Bryn is now 5 and Hayden is 9.  Things have changed a bit but we've added more to the sleeping arrangement problem. Nate now works rotating shifts at work. Two weeks day shift and two weeks afternoons.  We have such different schedules!  It's a nightmare!  Poor Nate never gets sleep!  Good sleep!  I feel bad for him. I don't know how he functions sometimes.

Now, so everyone gets to get some sleep around our house, I sleep with Bryn sometimes in her full size bed or in our bed. Hayden sleeps on his own in his room and as for Nate, he sleeps in whatever bed is empty when he gets home!  

People say we are crazy and/or weird but who are they to judge?!  Besides, how could you resist snuggling this Princess!

July 21, 2015

Brotherly and Sisterly Love

Moments like this melt my heart!  It doesn't happen near enough! Even though Bryn idolizes her bubba she still does all she can to torment him and vise versa. Hayden may pretend to be bothered by his pesty little sister but he really does love being her big brother. And a good big brother he is! 

July 17, 2015

Date Night with Mom!

What to do on a Friday night when Dads at work?!  Go get ice cream, our favorite summer treat!  On our little ice cream date I learned something about each of the kids!  

Bryn holds her pencil just like me!  It's an odd way to write, so people have told me over the years. Funny she would pick that up from me!

And Hayden announced to me that he has chest hair at the young age of 9!  I'm not seeing anything but Hayden swears he has some!