July 25, 2010

Brynlee..... 3 Months Old!

Look how our little girl is growing so big! It happens in a blink of an eye! Brynlee is now 3 months old! She is still as tiny as ever but is still growing and learning like crazy! We are getting to know her little personality now in all her little ramblings to us. And she has even got a little certain squeal to let us know when she is being irritated by her big brother. For some reason Hayden thinks it is funny to bug her so she gets mad. Oh boy! 3 months old and they both have each other figured out!

New Things about Bryn……

She rolled over for the first time! Her Daddy was the first one to witness the full rollover to her belly. Once she gets to her belly though she is stuck and gets upset. She doesn’t like to be on her belly for very long.

She giggles more and more each day!

She is very alert and loves sitting up rather than lying down so she can see what is going on around her.
Oh How I Love Our Little Angel!!! She brings so much joy to our lives!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is ADORABLE!!! such a little princess....