May 4, 2011

Little Gamers!

Look at these little gamers of ours! Bubba is complete obsessed with video games. At the age of 5, that's not the best thing ever. He already has Bryn gaming! Not really, but she loves to pretend!

We already have to put limits on his video game playing. Nate and I are both so guilty of this but letting him play the Wii or his DSI is the best entertainment to keep this busy 5 year old occupied. But this boy has to be entertained so if we aren't playing with him then he wants to play his video games or watch TV. This boy is a couch potato already. He loves to stay home on the weekends and hang out in his underoos playing games and watching TV. He is into Star Wars and has been playing with his many Stars Wars toys and figures he got for Christmas and thank goodness warmer weather is on it's way so that we can get active and play outside.

These pics were taken some time ago. Obviously, look how little Brynee looks! So dang cute!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LOL! I love how both of their mouths are open! hehe!!! Love it. And don't worry. My kids are gamers too.

BTW, I changed my blog address. Will you be sure to check it out and update your blog with my new blog addy? It's

Thanks babe! I miss ya! Let's get together soon!