June 17, 2008

First Boating Trip of 2008

A few weeks ago we went to our favorite boating destination, Delta. Sounds strange, I know. But there really is a lake in Delta, UT. It's not a very big one but there really is one there. My Family has been going there ever since I was little and still love it after all of these years. That is the lake where I learned to water ski on and am hoping that is where Hayden will learn too! We have been going over the 4th of July weekend but it seems to be so dang hot that we decided to go early this year. It was kind of strange weather but none the less everyone still played in the water. Well, almost everyone! (There was no way I was getting in that ice box!) My super cute cousin Kristie and her husband came up from Mesquite to hang out with us and they for sure were not getting in that cold cold water! They probably would have been in pants and sweatshirts if we wouldn't tease them all the time about being cold. When they come up to Salt Lake they always think it's cold when we think it's a heat wave! Silly Mesquitans!!Friday was great weather. 80's but a little breezy. We were the only ones there on Friday to enjoy that until that evening when everyone else arrived. Saturday morning we woke up to rainy and dreary weather. I was kind of bummed out because we had all spent the time and money to come have fun in the sun. So we started the day off hanging out in our trailer playing cards. We got to playing the game speed and my Mom, the cheater as I like to call her, was the big wiener(winner). I swear, she always wins any game we play so that is why I call her a big cheater(kiddingly)!! The rain didn't last and the blue sky's and sunshine came out. We were able to enjoy the better part of the day boating up until... the prop broke on the boat.My Parents have two props for the boat. A nice one(expensive) and a not so nice one. They had the not so nice one for Delta because the lake is not that deep of a lake and sometimes you can hit bottom. Kind of scary huh! Well it happened when they were driving the boat over into a little channel type thing to get over to another big part of the lake where all of the private beaches/homes are. So my Mom and brother went to town to find a place to buy a new one but there wasn't a place that sold them. My Brother just couldn't see the weekend being ruined by this so he went door to door on the lake seeing if anyone had a spare prop. Sure enough he found one and they let us use it until we went home on Sunday. What nice people! I actually told my Brother that it was the good Karma that was coming to him because he is such a helpful guy to others.Anyhoo, the weekend turned out great after all that! Except for something really strange and kind of funny that happened. I had made this yummy pineapple cream cheese cake and had it setting out on the picnic table for everyone to share. I ended up going to bed and thought I would just leave the cake out there, it was covered so what the heck. Well, I got up the next morning and the cake was gone, pan and all. Even my cute little Pampered Chef spatula that was inside the pan. I asked everyone where my dang cake was and they didn't have it. I thought someone was playing a joke on me or something. My Uncle told me that the racoon's or something along those varmint lines probably took it. I just could not believe that but he is a pretty smart guy so he went looking in the bushes and the empty lot next to ours but didn't see anything. This cake pan was heavy as the cake is a heavy/moist type of cake. I still can't image that these little rodent things took my dang pan! But I guess they did because I never got it back from someone playing a joke on me. I found it kind of funny because once we got home on Sunday Hayden wanted to watch a movie and he picked "Over The Hedge". How appropriate for us to watch this after my cake pan was stolen. Hopefully you have all seen this movie!All in all it was a good weekend and we are excited for the 2008 boating season as the boys loved it this year! The boat, the cold water, and the playing in the sand.
Funny Muscle Man Suits


Hayden waiting to put the boat into the water

Kisses for Mommy

Kisses for cousin Kristie

This boy is full of kisses!!

More Boating Pics...


Best Friends

Always Climbing

All tuckered out from playing

Landen & his Daddy(my Brother)

June 11, 2008

Look how cute and grown up our little Bubba is!! I still can't believe this little boy is ours!

June 10, 2008

TTA-5 Senses

I am a week behind on TTA. I will try to catch up this week so there might be two TTA's this week.

Last weeks TTA was the first of 5 senses which is sight. My favorite sight is of my sleeping Prince! I love to hold and watch my little man while he is sleeping. I love it when he falls asleep in my arms. I love watching him and wondering how this handsome growing little boy could be mine. He amazes me everyday and when he is sleeping so peacefully in my arms it lets me take a moment to snuggle him and kiss him as he was just my tiny little bug again. He is such a busy little boy that holding him and loving on him is nearly impossible while he is busy at playing. Unless... of course he wants something then we can always bribe him for a moochie here and there! Moochies or loves are what we call kisses and hugs at our house. Hayden does have a lover boy side but that's only when we are settling down at night. He is full of moochies and loves by this time. That might be because he is trying to talk us into letting him sleep in Mommy and Daddy's bed. He so knows how to get us every time!

My Sleeping Prince... Aren't those lips kissable and cheeks squeezable?!

The other thing about sight that amazes me is my Grandma. My Grandma has been completely blind for over 42 years. She was in a car accident back in 1966 and my Mom was only 3 years old. Since then she has tried to live a normal life as much as possible. Which to us, she is normal. We don't really think of her as being blind. Just after the accident happened she went to a Blind Center where she learned how to live her new life as a blind women. She learned how to read braille and walk with a walking stick. She doesn't read braille anymore though nor does she use a walking stick to get around. She has always had family support to help her along the way so she lost those abilities. She sometimes will get out her cane if she needs to go outside but she doesn't go far. Her favorite thing to do for people is cook. She is the best cook ever!! She also loves to crochet. She whips out a blanket in no time at all. She has the best outlook on life considering her disability. She still to this day jokes around about being blind. She has never let it get the best of her, that's for sure!! The funny stories are endless! I can go on and on about what an amazing person my Grandma is.

My Amazing Mom and Grandma

June 3, 2008


How to play this game of tag. Post these rules on your blog. List 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 random surprising facts about yourself. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names.
3 Joys
  1. Family and Friends... What would I do without them!
  2. Shopping... I think I am addicted! No, I know I am addicted! I have to shop every weekend or else I feel like I am missing something. Crazy bad habit! But Fun!!
  3. Eating... Sweets!! Can't you tell?! My all time fave thing as I have mentioned before is CAKE!!! There is nothing better than a corner piece of birthday cake surrounded by thick and yummy butter cream frosting. Dang, my mouth is watering just telling you about it!
3 Fears
  1. Losing someone close to me. I am not sure how I would ever deal with something like that.
  2. I fear for Hayden when he gets older. With what this world is coming too, it isn't looking very pretty! My biggest worry are drugs.
  3. Illness. I worry about our health, especially Hayden's.
3 Goals
  1. Weight loss
  2. Redecorating our house
  3. Baby!!
3 Current Obsessions/Collections
  1. Blogging
  2. New Clothes (shoes, bras, & undies fit under that category as well)
  3. Trying to drink my daily water dosage (64oz)
3 Random Surprising Facts About Me
  1. I have very little self control when it comes to food. I can eat and eat. Then the next minute I feel guilty because it's just not worth it. But I can never seem to get that into my head as I always do a repeat!
  2. I have OCD. I am not so bad these days now with Hayden on the OCD on cleaning but I still have it for double or even triple checking(at least) on things. Even though I know I have already done it I will keep going back to make sure. I guess I don't trust myself.
  3. I love Y&R (The Young and the Restless) I DVR it everyday and I just can't miss it. I save the ones that make me cry so I can watch them over and over. Usually because it is a love scene or something and I am all about the romantics!! Maybe because that is lacking in my life! Hint hint, Nate!! Just Kidding Babe, I know you try(sometimes)!!
Tag 5 People-
I tag anyone who wants to do this that hasn't done so already.