June 3, 2008


How to play this game of tag. Post these rules on your blog. List 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 random surprising facts about yourself. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names.
3 Joys
  1. Family and Friends... What would I do without them!
  2. Shopping... I think I am addicted! No, I know I am addicted! I have to shop every weekend or else I feel like I am missing something. Crazy bad habit! But Fun!!
  3. Eating... Sweets!! Can't you tell?! My all time fave thing as I have mentioned before is CAKE!!! There is nothing better than a corner piece of birthday cake surrounded by thick and yummy butter cream frosting. Dang, my mouth is watering just telling you about it!
3 Fears
  1. Losing someone close to me. I am not sure how I would ever deal with something like that.
  2. I fear for Hayden when he gets older. With what this world is coming too, it isn't looking very pretty! My biggest worry are drugs.
  3. Illness. I worry about our health, especially Hayden's.
3 Goals
  1. Weight loss
  2. Redecorating our house
  3. Baby!!
3 Current Obsessions/Collections
  1. Blogging
  2. New Clothes (shoes, bras, & undies fit under that category as well)
  3. Trying to drink my daily water dosage (64oz)
3 Random Surprising Facts About Me
  1. I have very little self control when it comes to food. I can eat and eat. Then the next minute I feel guilty because it's just not worth it. But I can never seem to get that into my head as I always do a repeat!
  2. I have OCD. I am not so bad these days now with Hayden on the OCD on cleaning but I still have it for double or even triple checking(at least) on things. Even though I know I have already done it I will keep going back to make sure. I guess I don't trust myself.
  3. I love Y&R (The Young and the Restless) I DVR it everyday and I just can't miss it. I save the ones that make me cry so I can watch them over and over. Usually because it is a love scene or something and I am all about the romantics!! Maybe because that is lacking in my life! Hint hint, Nate!! Just Kidding Babe, I know you try(sometimes)!!
Tag 5 People-
I tag anyone who wants to do this that hasn't done so already.

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