November 3, 2008

HaYdEn NeWs...

I have the best news ever!!! Hayden is now potty trained! It was funny because it is like a light switch turned on or something. Just one morning he woke up completely dry and told me he had to go potty. It has only been about a week but he has had no accidents! He looks so cute in his little boxer briefs! Our little man is growing up so fast! Good Job Hayden! We are so proud of you!
I just love his cute little boxer brief bum!

Some more Hayden News... He has some current obsessions lately. One is with his sniffer and the other is cleaning.

The first one is cleaning. He loves to help clean. Sweep, dust, mop, vacuum. His favorite thing lately is to vacuum all by himself. So I just hook him up down in the bedrooms and he goes to town vacuuming away. What a good little cleaner I have!! Now for this he takes after his Mommy. Boy, I am teaching him well! Maybe?! Hopefully he doesn't develop OCD like his Mommy!

Second, He sniffs everything. If he can smell something out of the ordinary good or bad he sniffs everything around him, even me. I of course always smell good, so he says anyway! Sometimes he doesn't always know what he is smelling like the other day when we went to my Moms house and as soon as we got there he started to cry because he said it stinks. I asked him what it stunk like and he said poop. Now it didn't smell like poop but rather pizza maybe because my Mom just got home with dinner. Maybe it was some bad pizza, I'm not sure but I do know that it tasted good! Silly Hayden! He also smells his food before he will eat it. I don't know where he comes up with this stuff!

Hayden showing off his muscles!


Anonymous said...

good job Hayden!

Unknown said...

Yay! That's how it was for Peyton too. It's like he woke up one morning and said, "Hmm, I think I'll use the big boy potty from now on."