May 1, 2008

Big Boy Potty...

Well, it's time to start really cracking down on the potty training thing. So we have really been working hard at for almost two weeks now. Hayden has been doing pretty good with it. He is such a little dilly dadder! (Is that even a word?) The going potty process takes awhile sometimes to say the least! At times I think this is going to be harder than I thought but when I really sit down and think about it it's going pretty smooth, so far! They say boys are harder to potty train than girls and that boys might not be ready until 3 or even 4. I don't think so! There is no way my child will be wearing diapers when he is 4. Then again, who am I fooling!? Hayden has a mind of his own so if he wants to wait until he is 4 then I guess he will. Oh so help us! Please don't let that be the case!

It cracks me up sometimes and drives me a little crazy because Hayden insists on standing up to use the potty like his Daddy. It was kinda funny at first but now it's getting a little crazy with all of the cleaning up I have to do after each potty session. I better get Nate to give some lessons on aiming!

Getting Hayden potty trained was my goal for this year so maybe just maybe we might be able to add another little Peterson to our family next year. Don't quote me on that one though, I have alot of convincing to do with Nate first! But you gotta have goals, right! Or a plan! (I'm a big planner and Nate hates that!)

Stayed tuned for more potty updates...

(I would love to post some pics but they are a little on the xxx side hence the standing up to go potty.)


Anonymous said...

Hey Rhonda,

Haha, that is funny about Hayden wanting to stand and potty like daddy. how fun. I like to plan too so its ok. I say we go on a cruise in March and come back and make babies? Start talking Nate into that ok?!


Jodie Lierd said...

Maybe you should tell Nate he has to start sitting down to use the bathroom. Then Hayden would think that was the way to do it at first. Wouldn't that be funny?? I doubt that would go over well though!! Hope all is well.