May 27, 2008

Memorial Weekend Camping Fun

Over Memorial weekend we went camping out to the desert. We had originally planned to go boating but as you know if was freezing cold!! We ended up taking the four wheelers out to Vernon for the weekend instead. Everyone ended up whimping out on us so it was just us and my Parents. My friend Jen and her Mom came out to visit us on Saturday just for the day which was nice. Hayden had a friend to play with. We just mainly relaxed and hung out. We did go on a few four wheeler rides but of course I wasn't that prepared for that cold of weather so it was a bit chilly. I always do that and Nate even reminds me while I am packing to not forget warm clothes. I had semi warm clothes but at times not enough of them. Luckily enough though we didn't get rained on just a real cool breeze/wind. I couldn't wait until we could get a fire going in the evening to get warm. Both nights we were gone we actually turned in pretty early because it was so cold. Which was fine because we went in our trailer and watched movies and ate snacks in bed! Can't go wrong with that!! Hayden loves camping and sleeping with his Mommy and Daddy and having his Bompa and Boma there too. His favorite part of camping is of course riding the four wheelers, cold or not he loves it. I thought it might be roasting marshmallows but he wasn't too into that which might have been because I woke him up to roast them with his buddy Trevor before he went home. Maybe next trip he will like that part!

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