August 27, 2008

TTA-School Days

Wow, it has been a while since I have participated in Tuesday Tell All. Now that summer is coming to an end I might have a little bit more time on my hands. Or maybe not since it is now Wednesday and I am just barley doing Tuesday Tell All.

This weeks topic is to share a school memory from your childhood. I chose to write about my favorite teacher who was Mrs. Belliston. She taught my 2nd grade class at Lake Ridge Elementary. Wow, that was like 20 years ago!! Crazy! Anyway, I just remember how fun Mrs. Belliston made school. Maybe because I was the teachers pet. I was a nerd!! Her class room seemed to be organized and class was well structured. I love that! My favorite thing that she used to let us do is every Friday we got to change our desks around so everyone got a chance to sit in the front row. At that age it was cool to sit in the front!

Mrs. Belliston lived in our neighborhood and she had a son that was my age, Randy. We weren't friends but I thought that it must have been way cool to have had a Mom as cool as Mrs. B teach at your school. I believe now, that Mrs. B has passed away. Even now, I think it would be fun to teach and if I ever was to I would for sure teach 2nd grade. I sure hope there is another Mrs. B out there for Hayden to remember!

One more favorite memory that I have was my best friend Melissa. I met her the very first day of kindergarten. Melissa was sitting all by her self doing a puzzle wearing a red dress with her dark hair in braids with red ribbon. I was and still kind of am a shy girl so my Mom took me over to her and sat me down and introduced us to each other. From then on we were best friends all the way through elementary. We then got split up and had to go to different Jr Highs and once we got back into the same high school we were two totally different people. I just remember even though she was my best friend how jealous I was of her. She was and still is such a beautiful girl. I remember how I felt when the boys wanted to chase her at recess and not me. Aww to be young again and only have those little worries!

Funny how my best memories are of Elementary. I pretty much hated Jr High and High School I liked but it was much more of a bother to me to even go. I was working at CCU as a sophomore and on work release and that's just what I preferred to do. Dumb Girl!! If I had only known, I would have changed that! Oh well, I am enjoying now getting back in touch with some of the girls I went to school with and getting excited to get to know them all again along with their families.


Tiffany said...

LOL! I feel exactly the same way!! My best school memories come from elementary, maybe some from High School, but not as many as I should have.....
Now don't you remember us exchanging notes ALL the time in Mrs. Rotter's (?) class, me, you , Brezzy and Jenny?
I think I got a comment from the same random guy that you did his name was like David something and he was bald and his site had a bunch of missing/abused kids pictures on it....ya I might go private too, we'll see....

The Peterson Family said...

Of course I remember exchanging notes and of course Mrs. Rotter! Jr High was definately my better days as far as having alot of good friends. If it weren't for jr high I would have never met you guys! I wonder what ever happened to Breezy? She was such a cute girl! I see Jenny has a blog but I haven't got into contact with her yet.

Yes, that is the same guy! Creepy huh!!

Anonymous said...

i wish i would have enjoyed HS a lot more..was too anxious to grow up and get out of there instead of having more fun!