September 15, 2009

Hayden's First Day of Preschool

Hayden started preschool at Aunt Sands on September 11th. I can not believe this day has already come and gone. I called Sandra to put his name on the list when he was just three weeks old! And I thought to myself at that time that I can’t even imagine when he gets big enough to go to school. I thought it seemed forever away. But boy how the time has flown by and Hayden is already almost 4 years old!

We had gone to orientation a few weeks before his first day and Hayden was glued to my side. Of course!! He is still a Mommy’s boy! After that I thought for sure it was going to be rough on both Hayden and I when it was time for me to leave him on his first day. But to my surprise Hayden was quite excited! He walked right in as I stood at the door. I stayed there for a bit to watch but then thought I better get the heck out of there before he changes his mind. I felt so good about leaving that I never expected to see what I did when I picked him up. A sad teary eyed little boy with a note on his shirt from the teacher that said,

It broke my heart! Needless to say, he is not looking forward to going back again this week so I have been trying extra hard to talk it up and make it sound so much fun. Which it is, I have no doubt, but Hayden sure does. Wish us luck for the weeks to come! We are going to need it!

The boy's excited to get to school!

The sad note that was sent home with Hayden.

After their first day of school we took the boys to Mcdonalds for lunch. How funny, they all wore red shirts!

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