December 31, 2009

Merry Christmas!

What a wonderful Christmas we had this year! It was a busy but yet not so busy holiday season. Since Hayden joined our family we have slowed down on the holiday hustle and bustle down a bit. Each year we do less and less running around and focus more on spending time at home and with my parents. Well on Christmas day anyway. The time leading up to that is always hustle and bustle!

Towbell the Elf must have reported to Santa that over all Hayden has been a very good boy this year. Hayden even noticed and said while he was opening presents Christmas morning "Santa sure likes me!". And since that morning Hayden has been on his best behavior. Towbell has now gone home to the North Pole with Santa and Hayden has realized how magical Towbell is and can't wait for him to come back to stay with us next year.

Of course we were all spoiled by Santa and my parents! A new gun for Daddy, a WII, Leapster, Bike, Scooter, Transformers, Games, Toys Galore, and one of my favorite parts...a new Canon Rebel camera for Mommy! Santa and my parents even made sure that our little princess was spoiled! Thanks Mom and Dad! We have always had great memories of Christmas and now I am so happy that we can make new memories with our little ones! You are the best Mom and Dad and Grandma and Grandpa ever! We love you!

Santa Came!! And it looked like he enjoyed his sugar cookies with his ice tea and milk! That is what Hayden decided we needed to leave for Santa.

Two of Hayden's many many gifts from his Grandma and Grandpa! This boy is spoiled!

Hayden sitting on Santa's lap at a Christmas party at our friends Nikki and Jeremiah.
This was a week before Christmas and by this time Hayden was not shy at all to sit on Santa's lap!

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