September 13, 2008

Last Boating Trip of the Season

Over Labor Day weekend we went boating for the last time this year. It was a trip to remember because we finally after 8 years got Nate and Jenna in the water! Strange how both my brother and I marry two people that are deathly afraid of the water. Our Family our water bugs! We love the water! Jenna will ride in the boat but will not get into the water. Nate won't do either. This trip Jenna decided to ride in the tube. It might have been because we had two tubes hooked up at the same time so someone was with her. The little tubing trip didn't last long as she was screaming the entire time and yelling for us to stop! But she said she had fun though?! Then there was Nate! Him and Jenna kind of had a deal going that if Jenna got behind the boat then Nate would or vise versa. Well since Jenna went first Nate couldn't back down so he decided to wake board. Nate was scared and he had anxiety so bad that it was like he couldn't breath while he was in the water. He was saying it was because the water was cold. Weird, the water was not cold?! But then I realized and felt bad because he was really nervous to do this. He only tried a couple times and wasn't successful and then he gave up. I am very proud of him to even have tried it. It's a start for both of them. Hopefully next year they try again!

Jenna after her scary tube ride!

Nate trying to get used to the cold water!

Cooking up a yummy breakfast! Nate loves to cook breakfast when camping!

Cute Katelee poking her head out to say Hi! Our family from Mesquite also got to spend the last boating trip with us!

Landen hanging out in our trailer watching a movie. This is all he wants to do because he is also afraid of the boat. He doesn't even like it when his Mom or Dad are on the boat. He gets real nervous. Hopefully he grows out of that!

I didn't get very many pics this trip either. I'm just not a very good picture taker but it is my goal to start being one!

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