June 15, 2010

Girly Girl!

Aunt Jenna and I took Bryn to get her ears pierced right at 2 months. She looks so dainty and pretty with her little earrings! It's funny to hear what everyone has to say about it. Some people can not believe I have already pierced her ears and others can't believe I have waited this long to finally get them done. For one, they have to be 2 months before they will pierce them. And secondly, it's no one else's decision but ours. I have no regrets on getting them done so far and Nate is also happy with the decision. She is our little girly girl princess that we have always dreamed of having!


sissyann said...

She looks beautiful. I took my daughter at 2 months as well. Girls are adorable with their ears pierced.

Jodie Lierd said...

She is so dang cute. I love her hair. I wish Brody was young and cuddly again. Even at 7 months he is all over the place.
I think of you when I see all the cute girly stuff. I have to hunt high and low for cute boy clothes.

Sovic Clan said...

Mind your own biz people!!Geez! J/K Both of my girls had them done at 2 months and I love it! She is adorable!!