December 14, 2010

Miss Curly Sue

Brynlee's hair is getting so dang long and I am not sure what to do with it. My dad says she needs a hair cut! What the?! No way! Not yet anyway!!
It's too long now to curl on it's own when I put stuff in it so my Mom found these old sponge curlers for me to use. They were a little bigger than I would have liked but they worked just fine. She sat pretty still for me to put them in but they didn't last long in her hair. I started out with 5 and by the time she was done eating and taking her nap she had 2 left right on top which worked out just perfectly. It gave it just enough curl to make her hair look oh so cute!

Doesn't she look so big with these curlers in her hair!

Oh that tongue of hers!

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