July 23, 2008

Swimming Lessons

We signed up Hayden for swimming lessons. It was just a two week class but it was everyday and by the time the two weeks was over Hayden had had enough. In fact all three boys had had enough. Trevor, Hayden, & Landen. Not that the lessons were bad or that the Instructor was mean. She was actually a pretty cute and fun girl. It is just hard to get these 2 year old boys we have to pay attention and actually participate in the activities. I guess that is just a normal thing at this age so I am told. Anyway, Hayden did learn a few new things. He learned how to make ice cream scoops with his hands to help him swim, kick his legs, and blow bubbles. We also learned a few fun new games to play. One night we had life jacket safety. Hayden was not a big fan if this! He was scared to death. It's funny because he will wear his life jacket on the boat but hates it on in the water. I can kind of see why though. They aren't the most comfy things to have on. All in all though Hayden did a great job and the Instructor was impressed because she said kids at this age are usually afraid of the water. So I guess we are doing good!

Hayden hanging out waiting for class to start.

Getting lubed up for the sun.

Trevor & Hayden

Just the beginning of life jacket safety...

Landen all geared up

Mommy, Hayden, & Landen

Hayden looks like he his having fun here... Not really, he
is laughing and crying at the same time.

This is what our boys would rather be doing

Trevor with the one little girl that was in
our class. What a cutie she was!

Hayden with his certificate of completion. We made it!!!
Good Job Hayden!!


Anonymous said...

Swimming class, FUN! What an ordeal. Seems like everything we do requires more patience than the last thing we did. These boys are so cute, and look how Trev and his girlfriend both have scabby knees. she was a cutie. Congrats on passing class Hayden.

Shauntel said...

How funny that you found me! I'm glad you said something and weren't just a "stalker." I totally read other peoples blogs all the time! My husband thinks I should get a job. ha ha. I am interested in how you came across our blog though, I don't know if I would ever have found yours. The common link would be fun to know. Anyways, I am going to add you to my friend list, it's always fun to have one more to look at! I took our son to swim lessons, he and the other boy in his class played fetch with the teacher the entire time. They didn't learn anything. But he got out on his own for a while at least! Maybe next year!

Cathy Clark said...

Swimming lesson's are so much fun!! I loved going to them!