July 27, 2009

My Little Zoo Animal

While my cousin Heather was here from Mesquite we also went to the zoo. It had been awhile since we had been to the zoo. I think we actually missed going last year and the times before Hayden was not all the interested in it but this year he loved it! Of course he loves spending time with those Teitjen boys anywhere!!

Thanks for a week full of great times Teitjen Family!

He may not measure up in size but he sure makes up for it with his big personality!

Feeling elephant skin at the touch and feel show. That was sure strange!

Handsome Landeen!

The old famous lion drinking fountain. "Don't put your mouth on it Hayden!" YIKES!!! I have a major germ thing going one. My family just laughs at me!

My Gatorade blue mustache kid! Yes, I let him walk around the entire zoo with this blue face.

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