April 24, 2008

My Little Procrastinator... Already!!

I have to tell you all about how funny Hayden has been lately when it is bed time. He has figured out how to procrastinate when it is time for bed. Lucky for us(I think) Hayden is still in his crib. He doesn't try to climb out at all at least not at night time. Nap time is a different story! So why take him out of the crib if he's not climbing out of it, right?

Anyway, during the tucking in and saying good night process Hayden will keep doing funny things and keeps asking us questions. Finally once we say the final good night and he is still trying to talk as we edge our way out of his room it only takes a few minutes before he is hollering my name. I don't know why but he never calls for Dad. Just Mommy! Which isn't a terrible thing and I always rub it in to Nate. I will go into his room after about 3 or 4 yells of "Mommy" and ask him what he needs. He always says more milk. So I find his sippy cup hidden inside of his covers and he still has plenty of milk. This little game he plays with us goes on for 3 or 4 rounds before he decides he can go to sleep. I guess he just isn't ready for bed and boy do we ever so know that he decides what is what at our house! I guess you could say he is the boss! Well, he seems to think anyway! Ok, so I guess he might be just a little but!

A few nights ago he kept saying something and pointing but I couldn't understand what it was he was saying. Finally, I figured it out. He was saying rock and pointing to the rocking chair in his room. Then he said "Mommy rock?". OOOHHH, I miss that so much! That used to be our every night ritual before bed time when he was just a tiny guy. As much as I wanted to I didn't give into him. I didn't want to start another habit thing. Hayden is alot like me and loves to be on a schedule. I think all babies and kids like routine but I think our house is sometimes a little too routine. I get so pissed off when our schedule gets thrown off and Hayden I think is the same way. I am trying to be better and not caring and just going with the flow but dang it's hard! Anyway, I just thought I would share how funny and smart Hayden is. It sure doesn't take long for them to catch on. He so knows how to work the system at our house! Just call us big suckers!!

My Sleeping Prince

1 comment:

Snell Family said...

Hi this is April Snell (one of Sherrie's niece's) although I wasn't at the last party. She told me I had to check out your blog and then she had me show her how to check it. You have such a cute little boy! Thought I would stop by and say Hi.