January 29, 2010

Sleep Over Time!

Hayden and Landen have been in a "can we have a sleep over" mode! For some reason Landen loves to come to our house and the boy's get along so good when they are here. Probably because Hayden can be the boss and Landen let's him. Poor Landen! Anyway, I thought it would be fun to let the boys take a bubble bath in the big bath tub! They thought it was great for about 5 minutes until Landen wanted the bubbles wiped off of him. He was getting up set because he couldn't see the transformers that were burried deep in the bubbles! So after filling up the big tub we had to drain and get all the bubbles out to refill it. After that Landen was much happier. I then let them each pick what jammies they wanted to wear. They picked the two pair of christmas jammies that Hayden has. Silly boys! We then had happy meals and watched a movie!

We love Landen to come hang out with us! Can't wait for our next sleep over!

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